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Media & Entertainment
Transform the entertainment experience from interactive gaming to films, TV and live events.
Technology Innovation & Leadership
Transitioning from being content companies to also becoming technology companies, inclusive of internal, creative and consumer-facing technologies.
Immersive Content & Entertainment Experiences
Building omnichannel experiences for users to access content from a variety of sources in one place, redefining
the way in which customers engage with content, and diversifying service offerings and content models to generate new revenue streams.
Media Supply Chain Aggregation
Automating and optimizing solutions to manage media content throughout the whole media supply chain from ideation and creation to management to distribution and playback.
Revenue Stream Optimization
Empowering media and entertainment companies to evolve their revenue streams, optimizing ads and subscription models while leveraging billions of data points in real-time to understand their customers and provide personalized entertainment experiences.
Our Core Focus Areas
Build out next-gen customer facing applications across all customer platforms from web and mobile to set top boxes and Smart TVs.
Create resilient, holistic and human-centered entertainment experiences that blend physical and digital channels.
Aggregate and structure real-time customer data across various touchpoints into individual, centralized customer journeys.
Implement, integrate and optimize all digital touchpoints from experience-led eCommerce solutions to serve your digital customers.
Architect and engineer data platforms that gather, store and analyze data across multiple touchpoints — turning data into actionable insights.
Implement, integrate and optimize how you leverage your creative media asset, rights and metadata management, and content scheduling and distribution solutions.
Secure your organization and content against risks of breaches and data loss to ensure that you continue to achieve your organizations full potential.
Our Capabilities
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41 University Drive • Suite 202, Newtown, PA 18940 • USA